Thursday, September 11, 2008

" And a Child Shall Lead Them "

Well, I have decided to blog ,after all, isn't every one blogging now? So here is my first BLOG!!!
I was thinking about my life and how much it has changed recently, (since I started going to NC Cd.
At first I started going because of my kid's, Carley, Brooks, Melissa, and Caleb . I had a very selfish agenda, I could see Caleb more if I went to church with them.
See I was raised at Mabel White and had stopped going for a number of reasons, Mainly because I had become very disappointed in people, from members, to"friends", and staff. which now I do not put my faith in people I put my faith in Jesus. But that along with all the lessons in my life had to be learned the hard way.
anyway, I came to NC Cd with so much excitement over seeing my grandson every other Sunday that I was totally swept away when I started hearing and seeing a difference that God was starting to show me... It was a "transforming " experience, But it still took me a while to understand what I was feeling. I have thought allot about how to describe the difference I feel. It is very liberating to say the least. I caught myself talking about the "new" meaning of scripture that I was learning, I was and still am like a sponge, soaking it all up and not wanting it to end, When Keith wrapped up the sermons I wanted to stand up and yell... NO Don't Stop ! I'm finally getting it ,I want to know more. For the first time I started reading my Bible and understood what I was reading, where before it all seemed like the words were written in a foreign language. I could never quite understand it, but I kept on reading because that's what your suppose to do when you're saved, right,?"Good Christians "have a quite time right? Well when it stated making sense to me I couldn't get enough,I had to stop reading my Bible at night because when I started to read it was always as I went to bed and before I realized it, it was only a few hours before I had to get up for work. Now I just get up allot earlier so I can read and pray before I go to work. I find myself praying all day and songs about Jesus are in my head all day now. I did not come to NC Cd looking for a spiritual awakening I just wanted to see Caleb more.
I am by no means where God really desires me to be but for the first time in my life I am so excited about my journey of getting there. Each step closer is sweeter than any thing I could have ever imagined.
I have begun to understand just a little of how God wants His people/ church to live out the Gospel and I am understanding how He wants His church to function and it is so exciting to be a part of a church body that honors His instructions,
My mind is racing with so many things that I have learned and so many conversations that I have had about my learning's that I don't want to get side tracked. God shows me every day that His love and grace are sufficient to teach even some one as stubborn as me that I have been believing and living so many traditional religious lies. As Keith unpacks God's word on Sunday, God unfolds the true meaning of His Word in contrast to the way I had learned it for many many years.
I thank God and Caleb for this new found love of Jesus that I have found. Caleb because he was the culprit from the beginning,
The bonus of it is that I do get to see Caleb every other Sunday now but my first desire is to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus. Wow it is just so exciting.