Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Top 10 things I know for sure

I was thinking about how quickly our lives can change and how we can be tossed back and forth in the waves of life's events and I remembered that every thing has a reason, a season or a lifetime.

And so now as I try to reason with the season that I find my in I couldn't help but to think of some things that I can say I know for sure. So here is my take on the top 10:

1) Keiths sermon series "Stop Going to Church and start being the church" was statrted in God's perfecvt timing

2) My life is truely being transformed from the inside out by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

3) It is good to have a family of christians to fellowship with.

4) Being vulneable is not a bad thing when it's Gods people you open your vulnerablilities to. (* still alittle scary at times but not bad )

5)Nothing takes God by suprise

6) God is unconditional even when we are not

7) Salvation is secure, if our relationship becomes distant it is not of God's choosing

8) There is so much I do not yet know of the wonders of God's grace and mercy

9) I am still a "dirty rotten sinner" redeemed only by the grace of Jesus Christ, and do not deserve any of His goodness

10) For the 1st time in my life I can truely say in a crisis that I count it all Joy for the sake of Jesus Christ and His Glory.

I am so undeserving of His love and goodness and yet He still seeks me out to offer it to me and to my family.
I think about the families and individuals that do not know that there is a Savoir that can and wants to abide in them in the midst of good and bad times. Not to get them out of the bad but to get them through the bad. My heart aches for those people and I pray for them that they will come to know this Savior that surpassess all functional saviors.
Father God, thank you for being God.